Seminar: "Cooperative Shielding in long range interacting systems: localization and information spreading" by G. L. Celardo, UniFi

20 feb 2023 ,16:00 - Venue: room 281, Department of Physics and Astronomy



Abstract: Cooperative effects  are at the center of interest in many physical contexts, such as cold atomic systems, light harvesting systems, trapped ions and cavity physics. We will  discuss the interplay of cooperativity and noise in systems with long range interaction. The main focus will be on the Cooperative Shielding effect. Contrary to the common expectation that long-range interaction should necessarily induce an instantaneous spread of information in the thermodynamic limit, we show that, as the system size increases, the dynamics can actually become more confined into invariant subspaces. In such subspaces, the dynamics is effectively shielded from long-range interaction, that is, it occurs as if that interaction was absent. Consequences of the interplay of cooperativity and disorder on localization and the emergence of a mobility edge in the imaginary axis will be discussed.


[1] Disorder-enhanced and disorder-independent transport with long-range hopping: Application to molecular chains in optical cavities, NC Chávez, F Mattiotti, JA Méndez-Bermúdez, F (2021).  Borgonovi, GL Celardo, Physical Review Letters 126 (15), 153201 
[2] Shielding and localization in the presence of long-range hopping. , G. L. Celardo, R. Kaiser and F. Borgonovi, Phys. Rev. B 94, 144206 (2016).
[3] Cooperative Shielding in Many-Body Systems with Long-Range Interaction , L. Santos, F. Borgonovi and G.L.Celardo, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 250402 (2016).


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