Seminar: "Quantum quasicrystal patterns from multiple scale potentials: a variational approach" by A. Mendoza-Coto, PKS-MPI

8 mar 2023 ,14.30 - Venue: room 281, Department of Physics and Astronomy

ABstract: We study the emergence of cluster quasicrystal configurations in the ground-state phase diagram of bosonic systems interacting through pair potentials of Lifshitz's type. By using a variational mean-field approach, we determine the relevant features of the corresponding pair interaction potential stabilising self induced dodecagonal quasicrystalline states in two dimensions. Unlike their classical counterpart, in which the interplay between only two wave vectors determines the stabilisation of these kind of patterns, our results indicates that in the quantum picture the scenario is more complex due to the existence of distinct types of quasicrystals depending on the number of resonant unstable wave vectors in the interaction potential. Additionally, the quantum cluster quasicrystal patterns are found to emerge as the ground state with no need of moderate thermal fluctuations, in this sense the reported phases represent the quantum analog of the cluster quasicrystal phases well established in the soft matter field. Moreover, we have also found that depending on the pair interaction considered quasicrystal phases could exist concomitant either with a considerable superfluid fraction, giving rise to a super-quasicrystal phase or even with no global superfluidity, although maintaining a modest local superfluid fraction, suggesting
the possibility of a self induce quasicrystalline Bose glass phase.
This work is an extension of the work PhDs. Rev. B 105, 134521 (2022).



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