November 10, 2022, 4:30PM in room 281

Seminar by Vladimir Dubinko (Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology). Title: Quantum tunneling in a time-periodic double-well potential

Speaker: Vladimir Dubinko (Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology)
Title: Quantum tunneling in a time-periodic double-well potential
Abstract: In many-body nonlinear systems with sufficient anharmonicity, a special kind of localized lattice oscillations, namely, discrete breathers (DB) can be excited, in which the amplitude of atomic oscillations greatly exceeds that of harmonic oscillations (phonons). The coherency and persistence of DB may have strong effect on quantum tunneling due to correlation effects discovered by Schrödinger and Robertson in 1930. These effects have been applied to the tunneling problem by some authors, who demonstrated a strong increase of sub-barrier transparency during increase of the correlation coefficient. We show that DB present a natural way to produce correlation effects.


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