21 ottobre 2022 ore 14:30 , Aula 139 Edificio di Fisica Sperimentale

Seminario INFN: New Frontiers in measuring biological effects of radiation,  Prof. Marco Petasecca, Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong


We will try to answer to a fundamental question: how does physics contribute to the fight against cancer? Statistically, almost 50% of all the cancer patients are treated by radiation worldwide. This enormous contribution bases its foundations on three main disciplines of physics: generation of controlled and safe radioactive sources, interaction of different sub-nuclear particles with human tissues and measurement of the effectiveness of such interactions in killing malignant lesions. In order to tackle the war against cancer a clear pathways and integration of all these sciences such as physics, biology, and medicine is essential. The seminar aims to take the audience through a journey across the concept of microdosimetry and its relation with the radiobiological effects.



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