Thursday 13 at 2:30 PM in Aula Magna

Riccardo Argurio (ULB): "Non-invertible symmetries in a simple 5d theory"

Speaker: Riccardo Argurio, ULB
Date and location: Thursday 13, 2:30 PM, Aula Magna
Title: Non-invertible symmetries in a simple 5d theory
Abstract: We will begin by reviewing how one can generalize the notion of symmetry trading time-independent charges for topological defects. After illustrating such notions in Maxwell theory, we will discuss a 5d Maxwell theory to which we add a Chern-Simons term. Here we will see that an ABJ-like anomaly arises, that nevertheless leaves behind a surprisingly large number of symmetries. The price to pay is that the defects that generate them are non-invertible. After discussing what that means, we will end with reductions, generalizations, and a brief review of other examples of non-invertible symmetries.
For those interested, Riccardo will also deliver an informal lecture on Non-Invertible Symmetries on Wednesday 12, from 2:15 PM in room 281. 




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