Martedì 24 maggio 2022, ore 14:30 aula 281

Seminario teorici: Lorenzo Ubaldi (SISSA) - "False vacuum decay in the thin wall approximation"

Speaker: Lorenzo Ubaldi - SISSA

Date: Tuesday 24 at 2:30PM in room 324
Title: False vacuum decay in the thin wall approximation
Abstract: The decay rate of the false vacuum in scalar field theory has the form A Exp(-B). In a famous paper from 1977 Coleman laid down the theory to compute the coefficient B. In a subsequent paper with Callan, they set up the recipe to compute the pre-factor A, but did not manage to compute it explicitly. In their own words: "we are not able to obtain a closed-form expression for A; we are stymied by an obdurate functional determinant".  In this talk I explain how my collaborators and I recently found such a closed-form expression for A in the thin-wall approximation.


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