22 novembre 2021

LENS: 30 anni di futuro - Un evento speciale per festeggiare i 30 anni del Laboratorio Europeo di Spettroscopia Non-lineare

22 novembre 2021

On November 22nd 2021 we will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the foundation of the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy with a special one-day event, to discuss how far we have come, the frontiers of our research and our vision for the future. 30 years of scientific adventures, exciting discoveries and international collaborations: from atoms to life, always surfing on the waves of light!

The event will be available in live streaming freely on the Youtube channel of University of Florence, accessible from the link: 

The morning session (held in Aula Querzoli, LENS) will be devoted to the celebration of the LENS anniversary, with greetings from Authorities and Academic and Research institutions, followed by a keynote speech by Prof. Massimo Inguscio (LENS & Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma). After that, the LENS laboratories will be open to welcome visits from in-person attendees, while a short video-documentary shot from the LENS laboratories will be streamed online.

The afternoon session (held in Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia UNIFI) is devoted to the scientific presentation of the three research areas of LENS – Quantum Science and Technology, Photonic Materials, and Biophotonics – and of the collaborations with other Research Institutions that enrich the scientific spectrum of our institute. The event will be concluded by an Enrico Fermi Colloquium given by Prof. Angelo Gemignani (Università di Pisa), titled "Neural correlates of states of consciousness: lessons from deep sleep and meditation"
The full program of the day is available at the event webpage:


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