15 Settembre 2021 ore 10:00

Workshop "EXOPLANETS" - La ricerca sugli esopianeti a Firenze

15 Settembre 2021 ore 10:00

Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia UNIFI - Sezione di Arcetri 
Via Largo Enrico Fermi 2 - Firenze

The workshop aims to gather the Florentine scientific community that carries out research on exoplanets, their atmospheres and related topics and to create an opportunity for meetings and discussions between researchers. Great instruments are coming soon, such as the Ariel space mission and the HiRes spectrometer at the E-ELT, offering an important opportunity for scientific growth to the Università di Firenze and INAF – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, both involved in this field of research which is increasingly establishing itself worldwide. The Ariel mission has got a broad participation of researchers who carry out their coordinated activities in Working Groups on topics ranging from planetary formation, to the evolution of planetary atmospheres and environments, from the composition of atmospheres to the star-planet interaction, to the characterization of host stars; this offers a useful starting point for organizing and coordinating Florentine activities. The topic “exoplanets” is not only related to atmospheres, but to the more general study of exoplanets, through the PLATO mission and observations with ground-based telescopes. The study of exoplanetary atmospheres is also based on the results of similar research conducted on planetary atmospheres. Therefore, synergies with the study of the Earth's atmosphere and the planets of the Solar System, observation techniques, and other instruments from the ground and from space are very important. The synergies with studies on astro-chemistry and proto-stellar discs are another relevant pillar of the exoplanetary exploration. Therefore, all researchers who carry out research on exoplanetary atmospheres and more generally on exoplanets, on the characterization of host stars, on the Earth's atmosphere and planetary atmospheres, on astro-chemistry and on proto-stellar disks are invited to attend this two-days workshop and contribute by presenting their research activity in Firenze with the aim of creating new synergies and research opportunities. Students are warmly invited to attend and are welcome.

Organisers: Emanuele Pace, Sofia Randich, Alessandro Marconi



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